shenzhen utility energy co.,ltd

guide newcomers with heart•work hand in hand | utl 2021 the first apprentice ceremony achieves a com -凯发官方网站

on the morning of july 23rd, the 2021 new employee's apprentice ceremony is held solemnly by utility energy co., ltd, in order to better guide and train young employees to become talented, strengthen the company's talent teamconstruction, and promote the newcomers to quickly complete the role transformation. “guide newcomers with heart•work hand in hand”——shenzhen utility energy co., ltd conducts the first new employees apprentice ceremony. some executives attends the ceremony, and the apprentice ceremony comes to a successful conclusion.

as the old saying goes, a teacher is one who could propagate thedoctrine, impart professional knowledge, and resolve doubts.” if there is a good mentor in your career to give direction, you will avoid making many detours on the road of achieving self-worth in life. in the introduction part, mentors recommend themselves to families in the aspect of their own growth, experience, personality characteristics and their own advantages. they all say that they will help every novice grow up quickly with sincerity and heart. in the future, mentors will give great support to their apprentice in action.

at the beginning of the ceremony, director meng first gives a speech. director meng shares with us the six standards of new youth put forward bychentuhsiu: autonomous rather than slave; progressive rather than conservative; aggressive rather than retired; modest rather than self-satisfied; real-profit rather than formalized; scientific rather than imaginary.these six standards for new youth still have great enlightenment for contemporary youth.

then, according to chentuhsiu’s six standards for youth and the company's culture, director meng puts forward seven standards for utl youth, which are of great inspiring significance for the new employees.

the activity inherits the traditional culture of "honor teachers and respect rules" by worshiping confucius, learning etiquette, givingwords from mentors and apprentices, signing an agreement, draw a cinnabar and talking about perception, and then finishing.

worship confucius, worship the mentors: first bow to thank the mentor for his/her careful cultivation in the future; second bow, work hard and reach the top of career step by step; third bows, make joint effortsand create great achievements.

in the "learning etiquette" part, the apprenticesbow to mentors and offer tea. that an apprentice offers tea to his/her mentor is a manifestation of moral tradition. tea is like a mentor who is modest and respectful, both virtuous and expert. from the ancient times to the present, offering tea is showing respect for his/hermentor.

mentors and apprenticesgive words of advice and hopeto each other and exchange gifts respectively. the mentorsgive words of advice and encouragement, and place all kinds of expectations on the apprentices.the apprenticesexpress their own feelings and thoughts to the mentor and thankfor their help. after that, apprentices offered six gifts to mentors, indicating the mentor's attitude, responsibility and expectation for his/herapprentice.

six gifts include:   scallion—— intelligence and wisdom

celery——diligent and skillful

dried longan——enlightening and inspiring

lotus seed——teaching patiently

red dates——early success

red bean——grand ambition and plans

in signing mentorapprentice pairing agreement, the mentors and apprentices exchange the agreement. notary public announces the mentor-apprentice relationship formally agreed, and the relationship becomes solid and tight.

"start learning to break confusion" is a chinese enlightenment custom of confucianism. the mentor points cinnabar regarded as wisdom in the center of the apprentice's forehead. the mentor hopes that the apprentice can become the wise to whom a word is enough in the future by "opening wisdom, eyes and heart".

in the "talk about feeling" part, mentorsexpress their own feelings and thoughts about teaching apprentices, and thank the companyfor establishing the “apprentice ceremonyplatform, for witnessing new employees are apprenticed to mentors, for caring about the growth and development of employees. apprentices also express their earnest attitude of learning and great ambition to success early.

etiquette finishing, the smile on everyones face represents this ceremony is very successful. the apprentice ceremony ends successfully with bursts of applaus.

after the solemn apprentice ceremony, it means a new beginning for each pair of mentors and apprentices. we believe that with the care of the company's leaders, the mentorsearnestlyteaching and the apprentices learning hard, we can encourage each other to make progress and contribute to the high-quality development of the company.

finally, take a photo for each pair of mentors and apprentices, andwish that "mentor propagates the doctrine and imparts professional knowledge to the apprentice, and the apprentice surpasses his/her mentor". this activity shows the company's cultural atmosphere of "honoring teachers and respecting rules,and passing thetorch from generation to generation". hope thatmentors and apprentices work together to forge ahead for utl!

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